In The Name Of “Bie” Sukrit Wisetkaew

First Name “Sukrit”

His first name falls at number 32. The power of this number makes ‘Bie’ a true fighter who will never give up. He dreams big and is very ambitious. Bie is a great problem solver and is quite a charmer to the level of “Khun Paan” (Thai’s Legendary Cassanova). Bie needs to be careful and can’t follow his body and heart to much and love and lust can lead him to failure and he will lose the support from his seniors. Bie need to be weary of accidents!! As for love, there’s prone to be problems because of his eagerness for more love.

Last Name “Wisetkaew”

His last name falls at number 34. The power of this number makes Bie a man with good intelligence. A fighter, tough and never gives in to obstacles. Number 34 also says he has sharp tongue and very straightforward. He is fair, generous, he’s not greedy and likes to help others. However problems will always come to him and makes him unhappy. Bie will also be very paranoid. He will be extremely tired from all his problems. Bie needs to be careful of accidents and bad accusations, please be cautious!

Full Name “Sukrit Wisetkaew”

His full name adds up to number 66. The power of this number will make his life seem like everything is going well. Good job, good money and good love life. Bie is hard working and is a fighter to achieve success. However, the sum of 6+6 adds up to 12, which is a very bad star. It represents darkness in his life. There’s so many negative impact and he needs to be careful of failing if he took the wrong turn and gets consumed with alcohol, gambling, partying or sex and lust. This could destroy his life more than he could comprehend.

Total Analysis of his full name

‘32’, ‘34’ adds up to ‘66’. All 3 are bad numbers. His last name ‘34’ the sum of 3+4 is 7. This makes it so hard for him to have a good first name. According to numerology he should consider adding additional syllable to his surname to make it a good number. Then he can consider changing his first name.

By doing good deeds and praying on a regular basis will also help Bie ease bad fortune. It could also boost his life to make it better and he will find true happiness.

Source: Siamdara

13 responses to “In The Name Of “Bie” Sukrit Wisetkaew

  1. where do u guys get all this frek stuff….it’s like crazi….3+4=7…equals bad #…..wat does this really have to do with life….y do u even need these #s too……

  2. i freaken love Bie. He is so talented not to mention kute and hot. i love all his songs. they are awesome. i just wish i could meet him one day. i’ll be so happy. ♥

  3. After reading that… i was like WOW Really i thought he was lucky he has the looks the job the fans and everything but bless him if this is true I LOVE HIM Though… and dont want him to think alot dont want him to worry about much and be paranoid i dont know why im saying this i sound like my mother… lol love you x

  4. i like Bie so much, he is so cute, funny and talented…..i really want to meet him someday after i graduat…. his music and movies are great , that’s why he has become the most influential singer in Thailand …he deserves it ! Love Bie !
    by the way, i would to make friend with all of Bie’s fans because i’d like to have someone chat with me about Bie….and if anybody would like to know this Bie’s big fan, here is my E-mail address :
    plz feel free to contact me !

  5. hi how are you doing?i like your movie and song a lot.when you smile is look like a baby.hi bie happy for ever and stay true i will watch your movie all my free time bye have a good life.

  6. OMG…I can’t believe i’m falling for P.Bie now…i would love to fly over thousands of miles and across the sea just to see you and spent ONE day with you. please please give me a chance.

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