Ploy Can’t Speak English?

“Ploy Cherman needs to stop speaking in english” says a netizen at Pantip. Lately it seems Ploy has been using too many english words mixed with Thai in her interviews and it’s starting to disturb some of the Thai public.

Oh no, this is not a debate to say Thai celebrities shouldn’t use too many english words in their interview because according to the topic, speaking in english is not the problem. However the problem is ‘using incorrect english’ and not making sense. Netizens are saying Ploy’s overuse of english is so wrong and stupid that it proves to be more embarassing than cool. Here are some examples of Ploy’s Thai + English interviews.

Ploy are you dating a singer from KOTIC?

Ploy replies with “I relationship with everybody” “…พลอยก็ relationship กับทุกคน” “Ploy gor ‘relationship’ gup touk khon”

Err..what’s that supposed to mean?

How come you’re so close to khun ying Mann?

Ploy says “Because our chemical goes well together” “เพราะ chemical เราเข้ากัน” “Praw chemical rao kao gun”

Your chemical? You mean chemistry?

So those are just two examples of Ploy’s fobbishness brought up at Pantip webboard and obviously english is not Ploy’s first language but why does she keep using it all the time? Does she know that she’s constantly dogging herself on national TV? Probably not, chances are Ploy probably think she looks cool mixing her Thai with english..

But unfortunately it makes her look stupid, absolutely stunning but not so bright. This is why netizen feels the need to voice their opinion..because C’mon, someone’s gotta tell her.

31 responses to “Ploy Can’t Speak English?

  1. she is ab baew and a skoi wanna be.

    her lines are classic though! i hope she opens her mouth and say more things.

    i might use the “praw chemical rao kao gun” when someone asks me about my bf LMAO!

    This is Engrish FAIL!

  2. LOL i had a good laugh with the 2 lines you provided …

    yeah its alright to use english ONLY if you use it CORRECTLY

  3. Rofl…hahaha.. Chemical reaction? Chemical attraction. That’s just a poor use of vocabulary and sentence structure. Knowing that you can speak another language is good but she needs to polish on her English more before using it in conversations. Yes I agree with Netizen it doesn’t make her sound smart,it sounds dumb and embrassing.

  4. OMGOSHH!!!!!!!!
    bothers me when ppl use WRONG englishh~

    i hav an uncle and he always asks me ”how about u ?” and i tried to hint to him that ur supposed to say ”how r u?” unless someone says theyr good or sth lyk that,,, coz itd be rude if i straight up corrected him

    ppl think its so hiso to mix up ur eng and thai,,,so then they use the wrong worddsss = = ;;;;;

    ploy should get a tutor if she watnst o use eng so baddd!!!

    • i think that ploy is full thai … either that or she has some chinese in her … not sure tho b/c i remember her admitting that she had a hard time w/all of the chinese words they were using in her lakorn w/aum and aff … hope this helps 🙂

  5. Hehe, language fail.

    People in general should stop speaking a language they can’t speak, it just looks sad and kind of disturbing.

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  7. Hahaha I agree that her lines are super classic, I would use it one day when I get the chance to go to Thailand.

    There is no harm mixing English into a different language but got to use it correctly.

    Ploy just to let you know, relationship is not a verb LMAO

  8. Pingback: Ploy Exchanged Phone Numbers with Son « Thai Entertainment DIRTII Version·

  9. SO what’s the problem here with you folks?
    She’s a cute babe and not a politician!!
    So long as the message gets across, it’s communication – effective, pure & simple!!!
    Please give my poor Ploy a break.

  10. this is BS! there’s nothing wrong with mixing english with your native language.

    i do the same thing… it sounds weird. yea… but it just have too.

    even my mom does the same thing… she’s not a native born in the US but she did grew up in the US and go to school.. she’s this fobby. she call the microwave the fridge and the fridge microwave. bla.. i know i dont get to the point

    although, im not trying to defend on ploy here…
    this is just CRAP! everyone sometimes everything you say out of your freaken mouth just have to be fobby… includdin me!

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